Golden times before beef

Golden times before beef

Golden times before beef according “Puls Biznesu”:

Demand for high quality meat increases faster than production. Prices are rising, but do not preclude consumers…”We welcome plans to export large enterprises, convincing, that our beef will win the Argentine, but the real boom in the Polish meat already have. Here in the country. I do not keep up with demand” – says Mariusz Białek

Generally considered a barrier in the consumption of beef is considered the price. However, Jerzy Wierzbicki, CEO PZPBM, considered, it was just a pretense. “According to our research shows, that the consumer is ready to pay even 100 proc. more beef than from the top shelf for mass”.

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availability HerefordBeef



announce, HerefordBeef that is already available in selected restaurants and retail stores. Detailed information will be available on our FB profile HerefordWarmia. Despite, Hereford that our culture grows in number we are not “factory” meat only in the good sense of the word “Butikim”. For this reason, seasoned culinary Hereford beef is supplied to only a few points, where its quality is appropriate for consumption or prepared for retail purchase. In all these places you will receive our brochure like the photo and information about subsequent supplies. Interested beef culinary RESTAURANTS and BURGEROWNIE :) please contact

grass-fed – Grass Fed BEEF


Grass Fed BEEF

HerefordWarmia joins the international campaign to promote healthy cooking beef derived from cattle nourished grass. This class method Grass feed fed BEEF has an extremely significant effect inter alia on the content of the beef omega-3. It is more than 6x such. in cattle nourished corn, etc..

Omega-3 contained in the Grass Fed Beef prevent disease, preserve youth and vitality, but also to build the body's immunity and eliminate allergies. Cows have no voice, but if it were only the żywiłyby, what they like and what guarantees their health and our excellent taste and nutritional value of beef culinary. It not without significance is also the fact, that method „Grass fed” stimulates ecological changes in the Earth's atmosphere. is now on Facebook!

herefordwarmia facebookHEREFORD'a launched an information campaign in social media. Some of you already know, but these, who had just entered our website, we invite you to our profile on Facebook. Click here, to go on our FB profile. We encourage you to discuss the beef culinary HEREFORD. Interested breeder betray answer the questions why Hereford. The administrator of your profile, if necessary, redirects the call to the right person everything became clear. If someone finds, that the site is interesting, click “I like this!” and recommend it to their friends. Welcome.

Why Hereford?

screencapture-wezsiezawolowine-en-beef-why-HerefordThis question breeder Anglo-Saxon world gave the answer. It is, Indeed the world's dominant breed of beef cattle. They have a very positive impact characteristics such as breeding Hereford. adaptability in all weather conditions, high growth in terms of organic farming and unique mothers care for their offspring Hereford. The decisive factor for the success of the breeding Hereford, however, the final positive assessment of consumer… To read the full article, click here.