Wołowina kulinarna

wołowina kulinarnaOur breeding bydła mięsnego Hereford It is oriented to deliver the highest quality beef culinary. Every cook knows, that the weak difficult for him to cook meat dish, that will satisfy the discerning consumer. Therefore, we emphasize, that a good beef cookery is something other than meat from the popular dairy breed HF or so. crosses racial. All over the world BEEF to BEEF not a waste of the dairy cattle in Poland is often offered as a culinary beef. BEEF is also not cielencinka of bovine animals slaughtered for savings breeders around the age of 20 month.

Is already visible segmentation of the market in beef culinary according to its quality. Higher quality means higher price. Aware of the consumer to determine, paying less, must be reckoned with weaker quality.

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The good restaurants of New York, London and Berlin see, that next to the dish and its price in the description bears breed of cattle from which the piece of meat comes. The obvious fact is to taste, it will be Hereford. They determine the genetic characteristics of the breed and its natural breeding. Additionally Heferord has the ability to achieve the so-called. structure marbled meat.


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We observed with satisfaction that the Polish restaurateurs take the example of their Western colleagues, and increasingly inform his client of what race and whose culture comes served their culinary beef.

This is of course also affect the price of food but the quality of the customers are able and willing to pay. With great pride as breeders we observe that, that the Polish beef cooking in restaurants that displaces imported from South America, not only the price but also the quality of.

The biggest impact on the quality of the beef dishes are as mentioned breed of cattle, from which a piece of meat and a method for feeding. Grass fed beef ( grass-fed ) This category particularly valuable. HerefordBeef he derived from cattle slaughtered at the age of 30 month at the natural method of cattle allows to achieve optimum cooking beef flavor.

Hereford breed is a proven source of the highest quality beef cooking “increasing” in the NATURA 2000.

The better the beef this time the heat treatment in the kitchen or on the grill is shorter. Of course, it is also an important way to slaughter, demolition or so-called. sezonowanie ( maturation ) meat. All together determines how tasty and healthy eat.

HerefordBeef seasoning allows the full development of the sensory characteristics of beef culinary. Meat contained in the open water evaporated to reduce its weight but the content “meat in meat”

Cooking is becoming fashionable and next to great professional cooks growing number of people who treat cooking as a hobby. Healthy and good nutrition is simply a demonstration of social status. We as breeders, we also know the, that eco-friendly diet of our Hereford herd decides on such characteristics as our culinary beef :



  • Barwa
  • Fragility
  • Taste and smell
  • health values


Therefore, our cattle fed only organic feed our meadows NATURE 2000, calves to 7-8 month grow on mother's milk and all year round freely move in large pastures or winter catwalks.


These simple but not by all applicable rules, guarantee the highest quality beef culinary extracted from our kennel.




In numerous television programs promoting good cooking, and even more numerous websites dealing with healthy and good nutrition, We see gigantic progress in building consumer awareness. Not coincidentally, cattle breeders' associations publish on their websites, information addressed not only to farmers but also consumers of beef.

EU financial support for programs such communication activities. All these activities lead to increased demand in Poland for a healthy beef culinary but also forcing farmers to improve the quality of beef cattle.


Organic farming Hereford on our farm is a unique source of obtaining the highest quality beef recipes for Polish restaurant. Gass fed beef Warmia satisfy the most demanding gourmets and each of them knows, deserves the highest quality for its price.


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